T h u r s d a y

On the homestead..

A bouquet of wheat celosia flowers.

Afternoon treat! Sugar cookies, recipe from Sally’s Baking Addiction

Making pesto w/ basil from the garden.


I live in climate/ garden zone 7a & although it is technically autumn, we usually don’t feel the effects of cooler temperatures until late October. However, nature is very intuitive and has a beautiful way of communicating.

This morning, I woke up to a chill in the air leaving me yearning for a hot cup of coffee besides my usual iced, oat latte. Homeschool began promptly at 8:30 a.m. as bread proof in the oven.

During our first break, I decided to bring in a bouquet of flowers to dress the kitchen table and immediately gathered a bunch of basil to make pesto for the last tomato sandwich of the year. 🍅🌿♥️

We have major sweet tooth’s so J.J. helped bake a yummy batch of sugar cookies.